Evaluation: Fraud Call

The phone number 0121110853 comes from Pretoria in South Africa (according to area code 012)

Is the phone number 0121110853 a spam call? The following are public information about the phone number the user's rating about the caller's risk, and comments. I hope this information can help you determine if the 0121110853 trustworthy!

Details about the phone number

International format: +27121110853/ 0027121110853
City: Pretoria
State/Province: ,
Phone Type: G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line)
Registrant Company: Telkom SA
Local Time: UTC/GMT +2, 14:22:33
90 Number of votes
5 Reports

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Add Your Comment

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Did you answer the phone or reply to the message?[Yes]
Please select the type of caller number: Real Call Fraud Call Missed Call Text Message
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5 User Messages

Fraud Call

A bit of research reveals an old, yet seemingly impossible to stop, scam...https://citizen.co.za/business/business-news/1497464/realised-ive-stolen-many-peoples-money/https://www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/peddlers-of-share-trading-software-have-been-at-it-for-years/https://mybroadband.co.za/forum/threads/r-5-000-free-shares-scam.688044/

account_circleWayne 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Phoned me on friday and said i won shares, I told them thanks but no thanks, phoned me today again and gave me the same info, Doesn't want to let go and want to said up a meeting. Afrikaanse mense wat duidelik 'n afspraak uit jou wil kry, na ek ingeggee het vir afspraak, wil hulle verdere inligting uit my kry, weet nie eens water werk ek doen nie etc, en so dankie maar totsien, ombeskofde mense wat nie nee vat vir n antwoord nie.

account_circleJohannes 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Very abusive Afrikaans speaking guy. Didn't want to take no for an answer when I refused to give him my husband's number.

account_circleC Kamener 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Very aggressive tele marketing

account_circleAlastair 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Want banking info

account_circleRover 3 month ago